Good Questions to Ask

15+ Flirty Questions to Ask Your Crush While Texting: Deepen Your Connection

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Texting your crush can feel like trying to defuse a bomb while blindfolded – you know, one wrong move can blow everything up. But hey, let’s not get too dramatic. Texting is a great way to get to know someone, and with the right questions, you can uncover layers of their personality while showing off yours. Here are 15+ flirty questions to ask your crush while texting to keep the conversation flowing, make a connection, and perhaps, just maybe, set the stage for something more.

The Ice Breakers – Questions to Ask Your Crush While Texting

Starting a conversation can be the hardest part. You want to appear interested but not overbearing, casual but not aloof. Let’s start with some light and breezy questions.

  1. “What’s the highlight of your day so far?”
    • This opens up the floor for them to share something positive and personal.
  2. “Are you a morning person or a night owl?”
    • This classic question can lead to discussions about daily routines or preferences.
  3. “What’s your go-to comfort food?”
    • Food is a universal topic and can lead to fun, lighthearted conversations.
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Questions to Ask Your Crush While Texting. Image: Freepik

Getting to Know Them – Questions to Ask Your Crush While Texting

Once the ice is broken, it’s time to delve a bit deeper. These questions can help you learn more about their personality and interests.

  1. “What’s something you’re really passionate about?”
    • This question gives your crush a chance to share something they love, and enthusiasm is always attractive.
  2. “If you could travel anywhere right now, where would you go?”
    • A question about travel not only reveals their interests but can also lead to stories and experiences.
  3. “What’s your favourite way to spend a weekend?”
    • Knowing how they like to relax can give you insights into their lifestyle and potentially find common ground.
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Questions to Ask Your Crush While Texting. Image: Freepik

Fun and FlirtyQuestions to Ask Your Crush While Texting

If the conversation is going well, you might want to sprinkle in some light flirtation. These questions are playful and can add a bit of spark to your exchange.

  1. “What’s your idea of a perfect date?”
    • Subtle way to broach the topic of dating without making it about the two of you (yet).
  2. “Do you believe in astrology? What’s your sign?”
    • Whether they do or don’t, it’s always a fun segue into more personal conversations.
  3. “What’s a movie you can watch over and over again?”
    • Shared tastes in movies can be a great foundation for in-jokes and future movie nights.
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Questions to Ask Your Crush While Texting.

Deep and Meaningful Questions to Ask Your Crush While Texting

As you get more comfortable with each other, deeper questions can strengthen the connection.

  1. “What’s a dream you’ve always had but never pursued?”
    • This can be a very revealing question that shows you a more vulnerable side of them.
  2. “Who in your life has influenced you the most?”
    • Understanding their role models can give you a deeper understanding of their values and beliefs.
  3. “What’s something you’ve always wanted to learn or try?”
    • This might reveal hidden talents or aspirations and can lead to future activities together.

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Looking ForwardQuestions to Ask Your Crush While Texting

If things are going really well, you might start thinking about the future. These questions can subtly suggest that you’re interested in spending time with them.

  1. “Are there any local events or places you’ve been wanting to check out?”
    • This opens up the possibility of planning something together.
  2. “What’s something you’re looking forward to this week?”
    • Sharing future plans can be a great way to hint at making plans together.
  3. “Do you have any fun plans for the upcoming holidays?”
    • This can lead to discussions about family, traditions and maybe even an invitation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I text my crush?

The key is to find a balance. You don’t want to bombard them with texts, but you also don’t want them to forget you exist. A good rule of thumb is to mirror their texting habits. If they reply quickly, feel free to engage more often. If they take their time, pace yourself as well.

What if my crush doesn’t reply to a question?

Don’t panic! There could be a myriad of reasons why they haven’t replied. They might be busy or simply missed the message. Give it some time, and if the conversation naturally resumes, don’t bring up the missed question right away. Keep the flow light and easy.

How can I find out what topics interest my crush without directly asking?

Try using a tool like AhaSlides to create an informal, fun quiz or word cloud with your friends, including your crush, about various interests. It’s a subtle and interactive way to learn about their likes and dislikes without directly probing them.

Is it okay to flirt over text?

Absolutely, as long as it feels natural and is reciprocated. Keep it light and playful. If your crush is responding positively, it’s a green light to continue. However, if they seem uncomfortable or don’t respond to the flirtation, it’s important to respect their boundaries and keep things friendly.

Should I text my crush good morning or goodnight?

A good morning or goodnight text can be a sweet gesture, but it’s best reserved for when you’ve established a closer connection. If you’re still in the early stages of texting, you might want to hold off on daily morning or night messages to avoid coming on too strong.

How can I make my texts stand out?

Be yourself! Your unique sense of humour, interests, and way of looking at the world are your biggest assets. Also, don’t be afraid to share interesting snippets of your day or ask questions that invite more than a yes/no response.

What should I do if my crush texts me something that makes me uncomfortable?

It’s important to set boundaries. If a text makes you uncomfortable, it’s okay to express that politely and clearly. Healthy communication is crucial in any relationship, even at the texting stage.


Remember, the key to successful texting with your crush is balance. You want to show interest without overwhelming them and share about yourself while also listening. It’s a dance of sorts, and every step counts. Be genuine, be curious, and let the conversation flow naturally. Who knows, these texts might just be the beginning of something special. Happy texting!

Remember, every great conversation starts with a question. So, still questioning and staying curious!

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