Good Questions to Ask

14+ Deep Questions to Ask in a Relationship: Strengthen Your Understanding

questions to ask in a relationship

A relationship is a roller coaster, except you’re not always screaming in fear or excitement – sometimes, you’re just trying to figure out if your partner prefers Netflix or Disney+. Relationships are intricate dances of understanding and love, but without the right questions, you might as well be doing the Macarena alone in the dark. So, let’s dive into the 14+ vital questions to ask in a relationship that can help navigate the choppy waters of love with more grace than a swan wearing ballet shoes.

1. “What are your non-negotiables?” – Questions to Ask in a Relationship

This is the big one, the Mount Everest of relationship questions. It’s crucial to know what your partner absolutely can’t tolerate. Is it smoking? Bad grammar? People who put ketchup on everything (even pasta, yikes!)? Knowing these deal breakers early can save you from the ‘Oh no, what have I gotten myself into’ moment later.

questions to ask in a relationship
Image: Unsplash

2. “How do you handle stress and conflict?” – Questions to Ask in a Relationship

Let’s face it: stress and conflict are as inevitable as a rainstorm in London. Do they go full Hulk mode, or do they retreat into a shell like a timid turtle? Understanding this can be the difference between navigating a disagreement like a pro or accidentally stepping on a relationship landmine.

3. “What’s your love language?” – Questions to Ask in a Relationship

No, we’re not asking if they whisper sweet nothings in Klingon. Gary Chapman’s Five Love Languages is crucial here. Do they feel most loved through acts of service, quality time, physical touch, words of affirmation, or receiving gifts? This question is like having a cheat sheet for making your partner feel loved.

questions to ask in a relationship
Image: Unsplash

4. “How do you feel about finances?” – Questions to Ask in a Relationship

Money talk can be awkward – like accidentally waving back at someone who wasn’t waving at you awkward. But it’s necessary! Are they a saver, a spender, or someone who thinks a retirement plan is buying lottery tickets? Aligning your financial philosophies can prevent many arguments.

5. “What are your long-term goals?” – Questions to Ask in a Relationship

Are they dreaming of a suburban home with 2.5 kids and a dog, or do they want to live like nomads, travelling the world with nothing but a backpack? Knowing this helps you understand if your future can be as compatible as peanut butter and jelly or if they’re more like oil and water.

6. “How important is alone time to you?” – Questions to Ask in a Relationship

Some people need their alone time like a fish needs water. Others? Not so much. It’s essential to gauge how much ‘me time’ each of you needs so you can respect each other’s space without feeling neglected.

7. “What’s your stance on [insert important topic here]?” – Questions to Ask in a Relationship

Fill in the blank with anything that’s crucial to you – religion, politics, environmental issues, pineapple on pizza (the great divider). It’s not about agreeing on everything but respecting each other’s views.

8. “How do you express and receive apologies?” – Questions to Ask in a Relationship

Do they need a grand gesture, or are they a ‘let’s talk it out’ kind of person? Knowing how to say sorry (and mean it) can be the superglue that keeps a relationship from falling apart.

questions to ask in a relationship
Image: Unsplash

9. “What does your ideal weekend look like?” – Questions to Ask in a Relationship

Are they a ‘hike up a mountain at dawn’ or a ‘brunch and binge-watch’ type? This might seem trivial, but it’s all about understanding each other’s idea of fun and relaxation.

10. “How do you feel about our relationship’s pace?” – Questions to Ask in a Relationship

Are things moving too fast, too slow, or just right? This is like checking the speedometer in your car – it’s always good to make sure you’re not speeding towards a cliff or crawling along at a snail’s pace.

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11. “What’s your relationship with your family?” – Questions to Ask in a Relationship

Family dynamics can be as complex as trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded. Knowing their relationship with their family can give you insights into their upbringing and values.

12. “How do you handle disagreements with your friends?” – Questions to Ask in a Relationship

This is like getting a sneak peek at their conflict-resolution skills. Are they the type to hold grudges, or do they believe life’s too short to stay mad?

13. “What are your hobbies and interests?” – Questions to Ask in a Relationship

Knowing what lights their fire outside the relationship can help keep things interesting. Maybe you’ll find a common interest, or maybe you’ll discover they have a passion for collecting rare stamps (hey, no judgment!).

14. “What’s your favourite dinosaur?” – Questions to Ask in a Relationship

Okay, this may seem out of left field, but hear me out. It’s a fun, light-hearted question that can lead to laughs and nostalgic conversations. Plus,

you can learn a lot about a person by whether they prefer a T-Rex or a Diplodocus.


Why is it important to ask these questions in a relationship?

Just like you wouldn’t start a road trip without a map (or at least a GPS), it’s essential to understand your partner’s perspectives, values, and preferences to navigate your relationship successfully. These questions help in building a stronger connection, ensuring compatibility, and addressing potential issues before they turn into the Himalayas of problems.

When is the right time to start asking these questions?

Timing is key – you don’t want to scare them off on the first date by asking about their credit score! Generally, it’s best to start with lighter questions and gradually delve into deeper topics as your relationship progresses and you both feel more comfortable.

What if my partner is reluctant to answer these questions?

Communication is a two-way street. If your partner seems hesitant, it’s important to respect their pace. You can try creating a more relaxed environment and reassure them that it’s about understanding each other better, not passing judgment.

How can I remember all these questions during a conversation?

You don’t need to memorize them like you’re preparing for a quiz show. Keep the general themes in mind and let the conversation flow naturally. You might find that these topics come up organically in discussions.

Are these questions only for new relationships?

Not at all! These questions are valuable at any stage of a relationship. It’s never too late to learn more about your partner, and people’s views and preferences can evolve over time.

How can these questions help in long-term relationships?

In long-term relationships, it’s easy to assume you know everything about your partner. These questions can unearth new layers, refresh your connection, and keep the relationship dynamic and engaging.

Can these questions be used in non-romantic relationships?

Absolutely! While some questions are more romance-oriented, most of them can be tweaked for friendships, family relationships, or even professional connections to enhance understanding and communication.

Is there a fun way to involve these questions in a relationship?

Definitely! You can turn it into a game night. Use a tool like AhaSlides to create a word cloud with these questions, and then take turns picking a question from the cloud to discuss. It’s a fun and interactive way to engage with these topics.

What if we disagree on some answers?

Disagreements are normal. The key is not to win an argument but to understand each other’s perspectives. Use disagreements as opportunities to learn more about each other and find common ground or agree to respect differences.

How often should we revisit these questions?

There’s no set rule, but it’s a good idea to revisit these questions periodically, perhaps once a year or during significant life changes. People grow and change, and so do their answers!


These 14 questions are your compass in the sea of love. They’re designed to help you understand your partner better and build a strong, healthy relationship. Remember, the key is open communication, a dash of humour, and a willingness to listen. Relationships are journeys, not destinations, and with these questions in your toolkit, you’re all set for a wonderful adventure. So, go ahead, ask away, and may your love sail smoothly!

Every great conversation starts with a question. So, still questioning and staying curious!

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