Good Questions to Ask

10 Crucial Questions to Ask Prior to Marriage: Are You Truly Ready?

questions to ask prior to marriage

Getting married is jumping into a pool of uncertainty filled with love, compromises, late-night snacks, and the inevitable question: “Did you take out the trash?” Before you dive into this everlasting pool party, it’s crucial to ask some important questions. Not the typical “Do you leave the toilet seat up?” kind, but the real, deep, “let’s figure this out before we argue over who gets the last slice of pizza” questions. So, let’s embark on 10+ crucial questions to ask prior to marriage!

questions to ask prior to marriage
Questions to Ask Prior to Marriage. Image: Unsplash

1. “What Does Marriage Mean to You?– Questions to Ask Prior to Marriage

Ever asked someone about their definition of marriage and received a response that sounds like it’s straight out of a cheesy romantic comedy? Well, this question is vital. Understanding each other’s views on marriage can help you gauge if you’re on the same page. Is it a spiritual union, a legal bond, a lifelong pizza-sharing agreement? Get this straight, and you’re off to a good start.

2. “How Do You Handle Finances?” – Questions to Ask Prior to Marriage

Ah, the money talk – as appealing as discussing the weather on Mars. But it’s less about how much you have and more about how you manage it. Are you a save-for-a-rainy-day kind of person, or do you live like there’s no tomorrow? Understanding each other’s financial habits is like choosing the right Netflix show – crucial for a peaceful night.

3. “Any Thoughts on Children?” – Questions to Ask Prior to Marriage

This isn’t just about whether you want them, but also when, how many, and who gets to do the 3 AM diaper changes. It’s important to know if your future involves building forts or enjoying serene, child-free wine nights.

questions to ask prior to marriage
Questions to Ask Prior to Marriage. Image: Unsplash

4. “How Do You Deal With Conflict?” – Questions to Ask Prior to Marriage

Imagine you both want the last piece of pizza. Do you split it, or does World War III start? Understanding how each other handles conflict is essential. Are you a talk-it-out or a silent-treatment enthusiast? Remember, it’s not about avoiding conflict but managing it without declaring a household cold war.

5. “What Are Your Career Goals?” – Questions to Ask Prior to Marriage

Is your partner dreaming of being a CEO or a stay-at-home parent? Knowing each other’s career aspirations ensures that you don’t end up in a situation where one dreams of globetrotting while the other prefers the comfort of their hometown couch.

6. How Do We Divide Household Responsibilities?

This isn’t the 1950s, and assuming roles based on gender stereotypes is as outdated as a flip phone. Discuss who does what around the house. Maybe you’re a culinary genius while your partner can’t boil water without a manual. Balance is key!

questions to ask prior to marriage
Questions to Ask Prior to Marriage. Image: Unsplash

7. “How Important is Alone Time?

Spending time together is great, but everyone needs their “me time.” Maybe you like reading in silence, and your partner enjoys loud video game sessions. Respecting each other’s space is the secret ingredient for not wanting to sell your partner on eBay after a month of marriage.

8. “How Will We Handle Our In-Laws?

Ah, the in-laws – the people you must tolerate with a smile, no matter what. Setting boundaries and understanding how to manage these relationships is crucial unless you want your life to turn into a sitcom.

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9. “What Are Your Expectations About Intimacy?

This is not just about the birds and the bees. It’s about understanding each other’s emotional and physical needs. A healthy conversation about intimacy can save you from nights on the couch and awkward silences.

10. “How Do We Handle External Stressors?

Life will throw curveballs – like a pandemic or an unexpected visit from Aunt Edna. Knowing how each of you deals with external stress can prepare you for those moments when it’s not just about you two.


How detailed should our financial discussion be before marriage?

Think of it as preparing for a trip. You need to know how much you’re packing (savings), your destination (financial goals), and the route (budgeting and spending habits). Discuss debts, savings, investments, and even attitudes toward spending. It’s not about the balance in your account but how you plan to balance life together.

What if we have different opinions on having children?

Different opinions on children can be a deal-breaker for some. It’s like wanting to go to Paris while your partner is dead set on a safari in Africa. Open, honest discussions are key. Consider counselling if you’re poles apart. It’s crucial to be on the same page or at least reading from the same book on this one.

Are there tools to help us understand our conflict resolution styles better?

Absolutely! There are many quizzes and tools online. For a fun and interactive option, try creating a word cloud with AhaSlides. Each partner can input words that describe their conflict resolution style, and you’ll end up with a visual representation. It’s a subtle way to see if you’re a ‘talk-it-out’ or ‘let-just-forget-it-happened’ kind of person.

How do we ensure a fair division of household responsibilities?

Start with a candid conversation about each other’s strengths, weaknesses, and expectations. It’s like picking a team for a project – you want a fair division of labour based on skills and preferences. You might end up with a weekly or monthly chore chart or just a mutual understanding. Remember, what works for one couple may not work for another.

Is it normal to have doubts or fears about marriage?

Absolutely normal! It’s like standing at the edge of a bungee jump. Exciting, but a bit terrifying. Acknowledge these feelings and discuss them. Sometimes, just talking about your fears and doubts can bring a sense of relief. It’s a big step, after all, and taking it seriously shows maturity and commitment.


Marriage is a journey filled with love, laughter, and learning about each other. It’s like assembling IKEA furniture without instructions – challenging but doable with patience and teamwork. Asking these questions doesn’t guarantee a perfect marriage, but it sure sets the foundation for a strong one. So, go ahead, ask away, and remember, the right answer to “Do I look fat in this?” is always, and unequivocally, “You look perfect!”.

Every great conversation starts with a question. So, still questioning and staying curious!

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