Good Questions to Ask

21 Questions To Ask Guys That Reveal More Than Just His Favorites

21 questions to ask guys

You want to get closer to guys, but you don’t know what to say. Don’t worry. You can use friendly questions to find out what he cares about, as well as make him feel comfortable with you. That’s why we came up with the three lists; each has 21 questions to ask guys

With these questions, you can easily get to know him better and strengthen your relationship. Whether you are on a first date or in a serious conversation, the 21 easy questions to ask a guy for each topic below are always useful to experience. Let’s discover more with us! 

21 questions to ask guys
21 Questions To Ask Guys. Image:

A Full List Of 21 Questions To Ask Guys

Here is our collection of 21 questions to ask guys you can consider in any conversation. In particular:  

#1. Questions to ask your crush

To have more interesting topics with your crush, let’s check our 21 questions to ask your crush below: 

  1. Who is your celebrity crush?
  2. What motivates you most at work?
  3. What is the best present you have ever received?
  4. Have you been in a relationship?
  5. What is your biggest fear in your life?
  6. What should you do on your first date?
  7. What is your zodiac sign?
  8. What is your favourite tourism destination?
  9. What is your favourite food?
  10. Can you tell me some things about your family?
  11. What is your first impression about me?
  12. What is your hobby in your free time?
  13. Where have you travelled to before?
  14. What do you do? How many jobs are you pursuing?
  15. What can make you easily feel angry?
  16. Who is your idol?
  17. Who is your hero?
  18. Do you love pets?
  19. What makes you proud most? 
  20. What do you like most?
  21. How many hours do you spend working per day? 
21 questions to ask guys
21 Questions To Ask Guys. Image:

#2. Questions to ask a guy flirty

In this part, we will mention 21 questions to ask a flirty guy, which makes it easy to start any conversation with guys, even for the first meeting. In particular: 

  1. What is your biggest dream?
  2. Can you use three words to illustrate yourself?
  3. What colour do you like most?
  4. Do you believe in sustainable love or friendship?
  5. What do you think when I first met you?
  6. Can you describe your ideal relationship?
  7. Are you living with your family?
  8. What is something that makes you nervous all the time?
  9. Do you like my outfit today?
  10. What is your favourite colour?
  11. Do you believe in destiny?
  12. What is your favourite coffee brand?
  13. What do you do when confronting stress?
  14. What should you do to make a final decision?
  15. What do you do now?
  16. What do you think about a friendship between males and females?
  17. What renowned actress do you like most?
  18. Which destination do you want to travel the next time?
  19. Do you register for any courses after graduation?
  20. Do you usually have breakfast?
  21. Which do you prefer, eating at home or eating out?
21 questions to ask guys
21 Questions To Ask Guys. Image:

#3. Questions to ask your boyfriend

The final list covers 21 questions to ask your boyfriend, which is ideal to deepen your relationship with your partner. Don’t miss our suggestions below:

  1. What is your favourite movie?
  2. If you had any superpower, what would you do?
  3. What makes you happy?
  4. How do you define love or trust in love?
  5. What is the biggest risk you have ever confronted?
  6. How do you define success?
  7. Do you want to live with your family when we get married?
  8. What is your ideal date?
  9. What should we do when staying together in our free time?
  10. What is your favourite colour?
  11. What is something you want to do with me?
  12. What should you do to overcome the challenges?
  13. What is your first impression about me?
  14. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  15. What animal do I resemble?
  16. Can you tell me something about your current job?
  17. Are you under the pressure of anything?
  18. What do you think about a healthy relationship?
  19. Can you tell me something about your family?
  20. What should we do during our holiday?
  21. Do you have any plans the next time? 

With the three full lists of 21 questions to ask guys above, we hope you will have more meaningful conversations on a daily basis. 

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FAQs – 21 Questions To Ask Guys

What are some flirty 21 questions?

Below are some questions in the list of flirty 21 questions to ask your guy or crush:
What is your first impression of me?
What is your ideal date?
What do you want to do with your girlfriend?
Are you in a relationship now?

What are five questions to ask a guy?

Whenever you start talking to a guy, the following five questions will be useful to try: 
Do you like your current job?
Do you enjoy dating time?
What is your biggest goal?
Are you living with your parents? 

What are 21 juicy questions to ask a guy?

In this case, we will suggest typical examples, and of course, you can set similar questions on your own:
Do you prefer cuddling? 
Have you ever dreamed of me?
What makes you sacred most?
What is your idol/famous actress? 
What is the best kiss you have ever had?

How do you play 21 questions with a guy?

The best way to play the 21-question game is to ask a guy, and you need to keep honest behaviour. Besides that, don’t forget to divide your questions into various categories to follow within your conversation easily. 


Our blog has just listed 21 questions to ask guys to make your conversations more friendly and interesting. If you want to discover more about similar questions, let’s visit our Live World Cloud Generator to get ideal suggestions.

Every great conversation starts with a question. So, still questioning and staying curious!

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